Wednesday 12th, June

  • 18.00 – 19.00 Registration (Hall, UOC Headquarters, Tibidabo Ave., Barcelona)
  • 19.00 – 20.00 Opening ceremony and Inaugural speech (Tony Bates Room)
  • 20.00 – 21.00 Standing cocktail reception (Open Terrace)

Thursday, 13th June

  • 9.00 – 9.30 Registration (Hall)
  • 9.30 – 11.00 Session I (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Francesca de Canio, Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy)
    • Silver shoppers’ attitude towards store brands: will-they-won’t-they? 
      Edoardo Fornari, Francesca Negri, Sebastiano Grandi & Daniele Fornari 
    • The interplay between manufacturer brands and private labels: radical innovation in consumer packaged goods in Spain
      Belén Derqui & Nicoletta Occhiocupo 
    • Influencing shopping engagement across channels: the role of store environment
      Francesca De Canio, Elisa Martinelli, Davide Pellegrini & Giuseppe Nardin
    • Assortment and retailing: a trendy couple 
      José Luis Ruiz-Real, Juan Uribe-Toril & Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad
  • 11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break (Hall)
  • 11.30 – 13.00 Session II (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Kokho (Jason) Sit, University of Portsmouth (UK)
    • The impact of adding a brick-and-mortar direct channel on the incumbent retail and online channel and firm performance 
      Michiel Van Crombrugge, Els Breugelmans, Christian Scheiner & Florian Breiner
    • Measuring the experiential marketing orientation management of shopping centres  
      Mónica Gómez-Suárez, María Jesús Yagüe & Cristina García-Gumiel
    • Building trust in private label (PL) online: qualitative insights from home retail practitioners  
      Kokho (Jason) Sit, Andreia Daemon De Miranda Gonçalves, Giovanni Pino & Juliet Memery
    • Comparison of consumer involvement across PLB categories in retail food                             
      Hanna Gendel Guterman  
  • 13.00 – 14.00 Invited talk (Josep Laporte Room)
    • Talk: Private label in Spain: Business approach
    • Keynote speaker: Gabriel Izard Granados, Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Member of the AECOC academia Committee
  • 14.00 – 16.00 Sitting Lunch at Cosmocaixa (5 minutes walking from UOC)
  • 16.00 – 18.00 Session III (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Sascha Steinmann, Universität Siegen (Germany)
    • Impact of category-specific demand environment on store brand quality positioning: empirical evidence  
      Hwan Chung & Eunkyu Lee
    • The impact of consumer self-regulation in grocery shopping on subsequent consumption of healthy and unhealthy food  
      Sascha Steinmann, Amelie Winters, Gunnar May & Hanna Schramm-Klein
    • Investigating private labels’ success against national brands in the men’s razor category
      Briana Alberti & Mark DeFanti
    • Identifying critical determinants of ‘digital customer services’ usage – an exploratory study   
      Aijaz A. Shaikh
    • Multivariate analysis of consumer preference structures across multiple categories
      Sri Devi Duvvuri 
  • 18.00 – 19.00 Invited talk (Josep Laporte Room)
    • Talk: Publishing in Journal of Retailing
    • Keynote speaker: Anne L. Roggeveen (co-EIC Journal of Retailing; Babson College, MA, USA)
  • 21.00 – Dinner at Mirabé restaurant, besides Mirablau Panoramic Live Music Club at the end of Ave. Tibidabo


Friday, 14th June

  • 9.00 – 10.30 Session IV (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Samy Belaid, EM Normandie Business School (France)
    • How to (not) survive a social media firestorm: The Dolce & Gabbana’s ad debacle in China  
      Mario D’Arco, Vittoria Marino & Riccardo Resciniti
    • Do we build store loyalty through store brands or store brands through store loyalty?  
      Samy Belaid, Azza Temessek Behi, Dorsaf Fehri Belaid & Jérome Lacoeuilhe
    • Internet of things and artificial intelligence in the hotel industry: which opportunities and threats for sensory marketing?
      Jean-Eric Pelet, Erhard Lick & Basma Taieb
    • The seller’s experience in consumer-to-consumer e-commerce  
      Mika Yrjölä & Hannu Saarijärvi 
  • 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break (Hall)
  • 11.00 – 12.30 Session V (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Arti D. Kalro, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
    • Buying from online supermarkets: the main factors influencing the experience of flow, purchase intent and e-loyalty  
      Doris Morales-Solana, Alejandro Alegret Cotas & Irene Esteban-Millat
    • Understanding the influence of brand information in online purchase decisions for health products  
      Carly Trachtman, Molly Van Dop & Sofia Villas-Boas
    • Store re-invention: how are sales performance and existing customers’ shopping patterns impacted?
      Els Breugelmans, Marleen Hermans, Manfred Krafft, Mirja Kroschke & Murali Mantrala
    • Consumers’ reactions to price imitations by private labels with sub-branding strategy  
      Siddhartha Sarkar, Arti D. Kalro & Dinesh Sharma 
  • 12.30 – 13.30 Invited talk (Josep Laporte Room)
    • Talk: How luxury eyewear brands are engaging consumers?
      Keynote speaker: Pedro Rubio (Managing Director Iberia & Greece SAFILO | President AEO | Professor ICADE)
  • 13.30 – 15.30 Sitting lunch at Cosmocaixa (5 minutes walking from UOC)

  • 15.30 – 17.30 Session VI (Josep Laporte Room)

    Chair: Zahy Ramadan, Adnan Kassar School of Business, Lebanese American University (Lebanon)
    • Customer online experience: proposal of a theoretical model  
      Elisa López Moreno, Nuria Recuero Virto & María Francisca Blasco López
    • Augmented empathic capacity: an integrative framework for supporting customer engagement throughout the automated customer journey
      Mathieu Lajante
    • The advent of the voice moment of truth: the case of Amazon’s Alexa
      Zahy Ramadan, Maya Farah & Hadi Audi
    • Changing of the retail landscape: who supports your customers matters
      Ting Hin Ho, Dewi Tojib & Yelena Tsarenko
    • Phase transitions in retailing: modeling retail fashion tipping points as complex systems 
      Steven D’Alessandro, Morgan Miles & Terry Bossomaier 
  • 17.30 – 18.00 Conference closing 
  • 21.00 – 23.30 Gala dinner at Barcelona beach (Blue Spot Restaurant)